I will certainly A first hint of Divine knowledge of the parents" grief over their childlessness.

when the season cometh round R. V. marg. Heb. liveth, or, reviveth. A strange phrase, probably meaning "at this time a year hence," as in Genesis 17:21. Cf. 2 Kings 4:16-17, LXX κατὰ τὸν καιρὸν τοῦτον εἰς ὥρας, Lat. tempore isto, vita comite. Skinner conjectures, with a slight alteration of the vowel points, "according to the time of a pregnant woman," on the ground that the Heb. word for "liveth" means in modern Heb. "a woman in child-birth."

Sarah … in the tent door Sarah was not visible, but the conversation of the men under the tree was easily audible to her at the tent opening.

heard Better, "was listening," which reproduces the Heb. participle.

which was behind him Probably the LXX preserves the right reading, "and she was behind it," i.e. the door.

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