bdellium LXX ἄνθραξ : Lat. bdellium. In Numbers 11:7, "manna" is compared with "bdellium"; where the LXX gives κρύσταλλος. Possibly it may be identified with an aromatic transparent resin, obtained from balsam (balsamodendron mukul), and found in Arabia as well as in India, Bactria and Africa. The Hebrew name b'dôlaḥis probably a foreign word. Another rendering, "pearls" (which are abundantly found in the Persian Gulf), would be more poetical, and possibly more appropriate for comparison, with "manna"; but we can only conjecture.

the onyx stone or beryl. Hebrew Shohammentioned elsewhere, Exodus 25:7; Job 28:16. A precious stone is clearly intended; possibly = "carbuncle." Assyriologists have identified it with an Assyrian word Samdu; but what Samduwas, is not known. Sayce conjectures "turquoise"; Haupt "pearl."

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