1 7. The Birth of Isaac. (J and P.)
8 21. The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael. (E.)
22 34. The Covenant between Abraham and Abimelech at Beer-sheba. (E
and J.)
The greater part of this chapter is from E. But Genesis 21:1 a,
Genesis 21:2 a, and 7 are probably from J; and Genesis 21:1 b, Genesis... [ Continue Reading ]
_visited_ Cf. 1 Samuel 2:21; Luke 1:68. The word is used for the
dealings of God, sometimes, as here, in blessing, and sometimes in
The two clauses of this verse are identical in meaning: the first
probably refers to Genesis 18:10-14 (J): the second to Genesis 17:16;
Genesis 17:21 (P).... [ Continue Reading ]
_in his old age_ Cf. Genesis 21:7; Genesis 18:11; Genesis 24:36;
Genesis 37:3; Genesis 44:20 (al+l from J); meaning literally "to his
old age."
_at the set time_ Cf. Genesis 17:21 (P).
It is to this verse that allusion is made in Hebrews 11:11, "by faith
even Sarah herself received power to concei... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Abraham called_, &c. For the name Isaac, see note on Genesis
17:19. The father, in the P narrative, gives the name: see Genesis
16:15.... [ Continue Reading ]
_circumcised_ Abraham fulfilled the command of Genesis 17:10 (P). That
Isaac, the son of the promise, was circumcised on the 8th day is
particularly mentioned by St Stephen, Acts 7:8.
The mention of circumcision in this verse, the naming in Genesis 21:3,
and Abraham's age in Genesis 21:5, are chara... [ Continue Reading ]
_God hath made me to laugh_ R.V. marg. _prepared laughter for me_.
Once more in connexion with the birth of Isaac the thought of laughter
recurs: see Genesis 17:17 (P), Genesis 18:12-15 (J). This time we have
the tradition preserved by E. It is not clear that the two clauses of
this verse mean the s... [ Continue Reading ]
_was weaned_ Weaning was often, in the East, deferred until as late as
the child's third or fourth year; see 1 Samuel 1:24. It is still
regarded as the occasion for a family rejoicing.... [ Continue Reading ]
(E). The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael
A narrative from E which forms a parallel to that in chap. 16. (J).... [ Continue Reading ]
_mocking_ Better, as R.V. marg., _playing_. The original is the same
verb, in the intensive mood, which is rendered "laugh," e.g. in
Genesis 21:6. There is no need to introduce the meaning of "mockery,"
which would require an object. The verb used absolutely, and rendered,
as in the marg., gives a s... [ Continue Reading ]
"Hebrew custom provided for the recognition of the children of the
maid-servant (Genesis 30:3), and Ishmael according to the Elohist
(Genesis 21:10) was coheir with Isaac" (Stanley Cook, p. 140).... [ Continue Reading ]
_And the thing was very grievous_ Lit. "was very evil," or "ill."
Abraham was displeased, because he loved his son. Sarah's suggestion,
however, was in accord with the prevalent harsh treatment of slaves.
Abraham raises no objection on the grounds of common humanity, honour,
or reason, to the propos... [ Continue Reading ]
_And God said_ It is revealed to Abraham by night (Genesis 21:14),
that compliance with Sarah's demand will be overruled to fulfil the
destiny of Hagar's child. The Israelite tradition, according to the
comparatively low moral standard of its time, especially in connexion
with the conditions of slav... [ Continue Reading ]
_a nation_ Cf. Genesis 16:10; Genesis 17:20. The LXX and the Sam. read
"a great nation.... [ Continue Reading ]
_a bottle of water_ or, better, "a skin of water." LXX ἀσκός.
The vessel for carrying water in the East is generally the skin of a
goat. The recollection of this will explain passages like Matthew
9:17. Its shape made it easy to carry or to hang up. Cf. Psalms
_and the child_ These words im... [ Continue Reading ]
_cast the child_ This expression taken with the mention of the child
in Genesis 21:14_; Genesis 21:18_("hold him in thine hand"), 20 ("and
he grew") implies that Ishmael is regarded in this story as a little
boy, who could be carried by his mother.
_under one of the shrubs_ We should probably under... [ Continue Reading ]
_as it were a bowshot_ LXX ὡσεὶ τόξου βολήν, Lat.
_quantum potest arcus jacere_.
The child's strength had given out before the mother's. She could not
bring herself to watch her child die of thirst, and she could not
leave him. She remained within hearing.
_and lift up her voice and wept_ The LXX... [ Continue Reading ]
_God heard the voice of the lad_ The voice God heard was that of the
lad. He had pity on the anguish, and gave ear to the cry, of the
child. Once more we have a play upon the name of Ishmael with its
meaning of "God heareth." Cf. Genesis 16:11.
_the angel of God_ A different manifestation to Hagar f... [ Continue Reading ]
_a great nation_ Cf. Genesis 21:13 and Genesis 16:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
_opened her eyes_ What she had not seen before, Hagar suddenly
received power to see. Cf. Numbers 22:31; 2 Kings 6:17; Luke 24:16;
Luke 24:31. LXX φρέαρ ὕδατος ζῶντος, "a spring of
living water," in the desert.... [ Continue Reading ]
_God was with the lad_ Cf. 22, Genesis 26:3; Genesis 39:2.
_became an archer_ R.V. marg. rightly, _became, as he grew up, an
archer_. Lat. _factusque est juvenis Sagittarius_. His descendants
were famous in later times for their skill in the use of the bow (cf.
Isaiah 21:17). Cf. Jetur the son of I... [ Continue Reading ]
_the wilderness of Paran_ Mentioned in Numbers 10:12; Numbers 12:16;
Numbers 13:3. It seems to have been the wild mountainous country south
and east of Kadesh, and west of Edom, the modern _et-Tih_.
_out of the land of Egypt_ Hagar herself was an Egyptian, cf. Genesis
16:1. For the parent taking a w... [ Continue Reading ]
(E, J). The Covenant between Abraham and Abimelech at Beer-sheba
22. _Abimelech_ This passage seems to be a continuation of chap. 20.
_Phicol the captain of his host_ For this title, cf. 1 Samuel 14:50; 2
Samuel 2:8 (where it is applied to Abner); Genesis 24:2 (to Joab). It
shews that Abimelech wa... [ Continue Reading ]
_here_ The reference is to the name of Beer-sheba and its popular
etymology from the Hebrew word "to swear." Abraham's departure from
Gerar is not recorded, but was doubtless included in the E narrative
which is only fragmentarily preserved.
_my son_, &c. R.V. marg. _my offspring, nor with my poste... [ Continue Reading ]
_Abraham reproved_ Disputes about wells are some of the most common
causes of strife among the Bedouin tribes. Abraham's complaint is that
his servants had dug wells; that Abimelech's servants had taken
violent possession of them; that there had been no redress. The
occasion of the treaty favoured a... [ Continue Reading ]
_And Abraham took sheep_, &c. Abraham makes a gift, according to the
custom, at the conclusion of a treaty (cf. 1 Kings 15:19) and as a
pledge of his good faith. He also acknowledges his need of protection
from the king.
_made a covenant_ Cf. Genesis 15:18; Genesis 26:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
_seven ewe lambs_ The seven lambs which Abraham here sets apart are to
be handed over to Abimelech, if he acknowledges Abraham as the
possessor of the well, and ratifies the compact with an oath. The
number "seven" (_sheba-_) is one of the explanations of the name
"Beer-sheba.... [ Continue Reading ]
_that it may be a witness_ Abimelech's question and Abraham's answer
are probably the technical terms of the usual transaction. The
transfer of the seven lambs having taken place, it was a "witness" to
the fact that Abraham was acknowledged by Abimelech to have digged the
well. There is no mention o... [ Continue Reading ]
_Beer-sheba_ LXX φρέαρ ὁρκισμοῦ : the derivation here
given is "because there they sware both of them." The word in Heb.
"they sware" (_nishb-u_) is the reflexive form of the verb _shaba-_.
This derivation of Beer-sheba, as "the well of swearing," is clearly
not a complete explanation of the word. T... [ Continue Reading ]
_returned into the land of the Philistines_ The reference to the
Philistines is an anachronism. It is doubtful whether the Philistines
occupied S. E. Palestine before the reign of Raamses III (1202 1172
b.c.). See Genesis 26:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
_a tamarisk tree_ The _tamarix syriaca_. The Heb. word _êshel_puzzled
the versions; LXX ἄρουραν, Lat. _nemus_. Tradition probably
connected a famous tamarisk, close to the seven sacred springs, with
the site of the sanctuary of Beer-sheba; cf. Genesis 26:23-25. See,
also, for "tamarisk tree," 1 Samu... [ Continue Reading ]