Beth-el That is, The house of God: see Genesis 35:1; Genesis 35:6. This place was one of the most famous sanctuaries in Canaan. It was selected by Jeroboam as one of the High Places at which he set up the calves of gold (1 Kings 12:29-33). For its repute and popularity as a sanctuary and place of pilgrimage, see Amos 7:13: close by the altar of Bethel would stand the pillar connected with its worship, and associated with this story of Jacob. The site has been identified with the modern Beitin.

Luz The old city's name mentioned also in Genesis 35:6; Genesis 48:3; Judges 1:23, not identical with, but close to Bethel, Joshua 16:2. The narrative does not suggest that Jacob's dream was in the vicinity of a town.

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