(J). Joseph's Mission to his Brethren in Shechem

12. in Shechem The region of Shechem was famous for its fertility and pasturage. The fact that Jacob's brethren selected it for pasturing their flocks, indicates that the Dinah narrative, recorded in chap. 34, belongs to a separate group of Israelite tradition. Clearly Dinah, if we may judge from Genesis 30:21-24, was of the same age as Joseph. Joseph in the present chapter (cf. Genesis 37:2) Isaiah 17 years old, while Dinah, to judge from Genesis 34:1, must have been not less than 15; accordingly the events of that chapter would have been of quite recent occurrence. Evidently the present J narrative is independent of them.

Seeing that Jacob, according to Genesis 37:14, was residing in Hebron, Shechem and Dothan would be a very great distance away from the patriarch's residence. Apparently the writer assumes that the whole country was open grazing ground.

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