Midianites The first part of this verse resumes E's narrative from Genesis 37:25. According to E, "Midianites," merchantmen, pass by, traders from the desert on the east of Jordan. The term is descriptive, and not genealogical: for Midian, like Ishmael, was a son of Abraham (Genesis 25:2). The suggestion that "Midianites" is a name representing the North Arabian Minaeans seems to ignore the Heb. character of the story. The name is without the definite article; it cannot, therefore, refer to "the Ishmaelites" of Genesis 37:27, whose description, though similar, is quite distinct. LXX οἱ Μαδιηναῖοι ἔμποροι. Lat. Madianitae negotiators.

they drew and lifted up According to E, the Midianites did this, and carried off Joseph, while his brothers were engaged in their meal. According to this account, Joseph was kidnapped, or, as he himself says (Genesis 40:15), "stolen away," not sold.

28 b. and sold This is from J. Joseph's brethren, by Judah's advice, sell him to the Ishmaelites. This clause follows upon Genesis 37:27.

twenty pieces of silver i.e. shekels, as Genesis 20:16. In Leviticus 27:5; Leviticus 27:20 shekels is the price for a slave between the ages of 5 and 20. 30 shekels is the price for a slave in Exodus 21:32. On the value of a shekel, see Genesis 23:15.

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