It is not in me Rather, "nay, far from it," as in Genesis 14:24. Joseph, as in Genesis 40:8, disclaims any power in himself. God's servant may be His propheta, or spokesman; but he is not as God, nor is he a magician.

an answer of peace Joseph replies, with suitable courtesy, literally, "God will make answer with the peace of Pharaoh." The answer of God will be the well-being of Pharaoh. "Peace," i.e. "welfare," as in Genesis 37:14, "whether it be well," lit. "peace."

LXX ἄνευ τοῦ θεοῦ οὐκ ἀποκριθήσεται τὸ σωτήριον, the meaning of which is doubtful: "without God there will be no answer of peace." Lat. absque me Deus respondebit prospera Pharaoni. The Syriac makes a question of it, "Thinkest thou that apart from God one will answer?" on the lines of Balaam's answer in Numbers 22:18; Numbers 22:38.

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