Let Pharaoh do this Joseph's advice is (1) to appoint a "grain administrator," praefectus rei frumentariae; (2) to appoint local officers, "over-seers," LXX τοπάρχαι, for the various districts of Egypt; (3) to exact for the crown 20 per cent., "the fifth part," of the grain of the country.

Some think an inconsistency is involved in the recommendation of one supreme officer (Genesis 41:33) and the recommendation of local overseers (Genesis 41:34). The two, however, are practically inseparable elements in a sound administrative scheme.

take up the fifth part of the land Lit. "let him fifth the land," i.e. secure for the crown one-fifth of the annual grain produce of Egypt during the seven years of fertility. In this passage from E, the imposition of a 20 per cent. duty is a special regulation proposed by Joseph to meet the exigencies of the impending famine. In Genesis 47:24, from J, it appears as a permanent Egyptian usage, owing its origin to the initiation of Joseph.

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