signet ring i.e. the official ring with which state documents would be sealed. The king thus symbolically transferred to Joseph absolute authority. Cf. 1Ma 6:15, "gave him his diadem and his robe and his signet ring." See also the use of the king's ring in Esther 3:10; Esther 3:12; Esther 8:2; Esther 8:8; Esther 8:10.

fine linen Possibly, as R.V. marg., cotton. The Hebrew shêshhas been identified with the Egyptian schenti, meaning something woven. LXX and Lat. render it by an adjective meaning "made of byssus," i.e. fine flax. This was probably the material worn by the royal and state officials. Possibly it was the same material as that in which the Egyptian mummies were wound.

a gold chain Presumably Pharaoh invested Joseph with his own golden necklace, a sign of honour which the narrative delights to record.

The position to which Joseph is elevated is that of "Grand Vizier" or T'ate, as he was called in the Egyptian dialect.

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