Peace be to you A formula of encouragement and reassurance, as in Jdg 6:23; 1 Samuel 20:21; Daniel 10:19.

the God of your father The steward reverently ascribes their good fortune to the influence of the God of their family, concerning whom he himself could have had no knowledge. Their God had put their money in their sacks. It was mysterious. Their payments had duly been made; he had received them. They were innocent. Joseph had evidently instructed his steward what to say.

I had your money Lit. "your money came unto me." The versions introduce a paraphrase. LXX τὸ ἀργύριον ὑμῶν εὐδοκιμοῦν ἀπέχω; Lat. pecuniam quam dedistis mihi probatam ego habeo.

he brought Simeon out This clause harmonizes the narrative of J with that of E; see notes on Genesis 43:3; Genesis 43:5; Genesis 43:14.

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