because the Egyptians … with the Hebrews Egyptian exclusiveness was proverbial. Their priests were not allowed to eat or drink anything that had come from a foreign country (Porph. iv. 7). Herodotus (ii. 41) mentions that no Egyptian would use any utensil belonging to a Greek. It is noticeable in this passage that Joseph did not eat with the Egyptians. The natural reason for this is not, as some have supposed, because Joseph was a member of the family of a priest (Genesis 41:45), or even because he was a Hebrew, but on account of his position as the Grand Vizier.

an abomination The technical term expressing that which was abhorrent and a source of ceremonial pollution. Cf. Genesis 46:34; Exodus 8:26. LXX βδέλυγμα; Lat. profanum.

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