I will be surety i.e. I will guarantee to bring him back. In Genesis 42:37 Reuben had been ready to pledge the lives of his two sons for Benjamin's safety. Here Judah is ready to pledge his own life; see Genesis 44:32. The versions fairly reproduce the original: LXX ἐκδέχομαι αὐτόν; Lat. suscipio puerum.

let me bear the blame for ever R.V. marg. gives the literal rendering I shall have sinned against thee for ever, LXX ἡμαρτηκὼς ἔσομαι, Lat. peccati reus ero. Compare the same idiom in Genesis 31:39, "I bare the loss," and 1 Kings 1:21, "I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders" (Heb. sinners). The penalty will be proportioned to the failure.

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