harden not your hearts Comp. Acts 19:9. Usually Godis said to harden man's heart (Exodus 7:3, &c.; Isaiah 63:17; Romans 9:18) an anthropomorphic way of expressing the inevitable results of neglect and of evil habit. But that this is man's own doing and choice is always recognised (Deuteronomy 10:16; 2 Kings 17:14, &c.).

as in the provocation Lit., "in the embitterment." The LXX. here seem to have read Marah (which means "bitter" and which they render by πικρία in Exodus 15:23) for Meribah which, in Exodus 17:1-7, they render by Loidoresis"reproach." This is not however certain, for though the substantive does not occur again, the verb "I embitter" is frequently used of provoking God to anger. For the story of Meribah, see Numbers 20:7-13.

in the day of temptation Rather, "of the temptation," i.e. at Massah; Exodus 17:7; Deuteronomy 6:16, though the allusion might also be to Numbers 14.

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