by two immutable things Namely, by the oathand by the wordof God. The Targums for "By Myself" have "By My Word have I sworn."

in which it was impossible for God to lie St Clement of Rome says "Nothingis impossible to God, except to lie" (Ep. ad Cor.27). "God that cannot lie" (Titus 1:2. Comp. Numbers 23:19).

consolation Rather, "encouragement."

who have fled for refuge As into one of the refuge-cities of old. Numbers 35:11.

to lay hold upon the hope set before us "The hope" is here (by a figure called metonymy) used for "the object of hopeset before us as a prize" (comp. Hebrews 10:23); "the hope which is laid up for us in heaven," Colossians 1:5.

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