Having compared the two Priesthoods, and shewn the inferiority of the
Aaronic priesthood to that of Christ as "a High Priest for ever after
the order of Melchisedek," the writer now proceeds to contrast the two
Covenants. After fixing the attention of his readers on Christ as the
High Priest of the... [ Continue Reading ]
_of the things which we have spoken this is the sum_ Rather, "the
chief point in what we are saying is this." The word rendered "sum"
(_kephalaion_) may mean, in its classical sense, "chief point," and
that must be the meaning here, because these verses are _not_a summary
and they add fresh particul... [ Continue Reading ]
_a minister_ From this word _leitourgos_(derived from λεώς
"people," and ἔργον, "work") comes our "liturgy."
_of the sanctuary_ This (and not "of holy things," or "of the saints")
is the only tenable rendering of the word in this Epistle.
_and_ The "and" does not introduce something new; it merely... [ Continue Reading ]
_is ordained_ Rather, "is appointed."
_gifts and sacrifices_ See note on Hebrews 5:1.
_that this man_ It would be better as in the R. V. to avoid
introducing the word "man" which is not in the original, and to say
"that this High Priest."
_have somewhat also to offer_ Namely, the Blood of His one... [ Continue Reading ]
_For if he were_ Rather, "now if He were still on earth."
_if he were on earth_ His sanctuary _must_be a heavenly one, for in
the earthly one He had no standpoint.
_he should not be a priest_ He would not even be so much as a Priest
at all; still less a High Priest; for He was of the Tribe of Juda... [ Continue Reading ]
_who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things_ Namely, the
priests who are ministering in that which is nothing but an outline
and shadow (Hebrews 10:1; Colossians 2:17) of the heavenly things. The
verb "minister" usually takes a dative of the _person to whom_the
ministry is paid. Here a... [ Continue Reading ]
_But now_ i.e. but, as it is.
_a more excellent ministry, by how much also_ Rather, "a ministry more
excellent in proportion as He is also." This proportional method of
stating results runs throughout the Epistle (see Hebrews 1:4; Hebrews
3:3; Hebrews 7:22). It might be said with truth that the gist... [ Continue Reading ]
_if that first covenant had been faultless_ Whereas it was as he has
said "weak" and "unprofitable" and "earthly" (Hebrews 7:18). The
difference between the writer's treatment of the relation between
Christianity and Judaism and St Paul's mode of dealing with the same
subject consists in this: to St... [ Continue Reading ]
Threefold superiority of the New to the Old Covenant, as prophesied by
Jeremiah; being a proof that the "promises" of the New Covenant are
"better... [ Continue Reading ]
_For finding fault with them_ The "for" introduces his proof that
"place for a better covenant was being sought for." The persons blamed
are not expressed, for the word "them" belongs to "He says." Perhaps
the meaning is "blaming the first covenant, He says to them" (who were
under it). The "He" is... [ Continue Reading ]
_I took them by the hand_ See note on Hebrews 2:16.
_because they continued not in my covenant_ The disobedience of the
Israelites was a cause for nullifying the covenant which they had
transgressed (Judges 2:20-21; 2 Kings 17:15-18). Comp. Hosea 1:9, "Ye
are not my people, and I will not be your G... [ Continue Reading ]
_and write them in their hearts_ The gift of an _inner_law, not
written on granite slabs, but on the fleshen tablets of the heart, is
the first promise of the New Covenant. It involves the difference
between the Voice of the Spirit of the God in the Conscience and a
rigid external law; the differenc... [ Continue Reading ]
_his neighbour_ Lit. "his fellow-citizen."
_for all shall know me_ The _second_promise of the New Covenant is
that there shall be no _appropriation_of knowledge; no sacerdotal
exclusiveness; no learned caste that shall monopolise the keys of
knowledge, and lock out those that desire to enter in. "_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I will be merciful to their unrighteousness_ Comp. Romans 11:27. The
_third_promise of the New Covenant is the forgiveness of sins, with a
fulness and reality which could not be achieved by the sacrifices of
the Old Covenant (see Hebrews 2:15; Hebrews 9:9; Hebrews 9:12; Hebrews
10:1-2; Hebrews 10:4... [ Continue Reading ]
_he hath made the first old_ The very expression, "a New Covenant,"
used in the disparaging connexion in which it stands, superannuates
the former covenant, and stamps it as _antiquated_. The verse is a
specimen of the deep sense which it was the constant object of
Alexandrian interpreters to deduce... [ Continue Reading ]