After thus tracing the contrast between the Two Covenants, the writer proceeds to shew the difference between their ordinances of ministration(Hebrews 9:1 to Hebrews 10:18). He contrasts the sanctuary (1 5), the offering, and the access (6, 7) of the Levitical Priests, in their shadowy and inefficacious ritual (9, 10), with the sanctuary (11), the offering, and the access of Christ (12), stating how far superior was the efficacy of Christ's work (13, 14). In the remainder of the chapter (15 28) he explains the perfection and indispensableness of Christ's one sacrifice for sin. His object in this great section of the Epistle is to prove to the Hebrews that Christ is "the end of the Law;" that by His sacrifice all other sacrifices have been rendered needless; and that unlike the brief, intermittent, and partial access of the High Priest to the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, we have through Christ a perfect, universal, and continuous access to God.

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