They shall walk, &c. Rather, They shall go after Jehovah, as after a lion that roareth; for he himself shall roar, and sons shall come hurrying from the west (lit. from the sea). -The west" means the same as -the islands (or, coast-lands) of the sea" in the latter part of Isaiah, except that Hosea's knowledge of the coasts and islands of the western sea would be much vaguer than that of his fellow-prophet, if Isaiah 40-66 is as late a work as many moderns suppose. -Go after" is a phrase for the dependent relation of a worshipper to his God; comp. Hosea 1:2; Jeremiah 7:9; 1 Samuel 7:2; Deuteronomy 1:36. For -shall roar", comp. Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2; Amos 3:8; Jeremiah 25:30. Jehovah is compared to a lion calling the young lions; contrast the figure of the lion in Hosea 5:14; Hosea 13:7.

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