When they shall go Rather, As soon as they go.

I will spread my net The image of Jehovah's net is not a frequent one; see however Job 19:6; Ezekiel 12:13; Ezekiel 17:20; Ezekiel 19:8; Ezekiel 32:3. Here the net means captivity.

I will bring them down Apparently by placing a bait to draw them to the earth, at least if the figure is to be continued. Amos 9:2 is therefore not parallel.

as their congregation hath heard Lit., -according to the announcement to their congregation." Comp. Isaiah 53:1, -Who hath believed our announcement" (a cognate word) = -that which we heard". The punishment, says Hosea, will agree exactly with his own repeated predictions (comp. Hosea 5:9).

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