Isaiah 12 - Introduction

forms the lyrical epilogue to the first great division of the book (ch. 1 12). It consists of two short hymns of praise (Isaiah 12:1 and Isaiah 12:3) which are put into the mouth of the ransomed people. As Israel sang songs of triumph after the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 15), so the restored ex... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:1

The introductory formula (here and in Isaiah 12:4) resembles those in Isaiah 25:9; Isaiah 26:1; Isaiah 27:2 _thou wast angry_ a word never used by any prophet, but found in Psalms 2:12; Psalms 60:1; Psalms 79:5; Psalms 85:5. _is turned away_ The form is that of the jussive; but it is probably the co... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:2

_Behold, God_is _my salvation_ Better: BEHOLD THE GOD OF MY SALVATION (Psalms 88:1). The second half of the verse is repeated almost verbally from Exodus 15:2 my _song_ the personal suff. is omitted in Hebr., probably through defective writing. _the Lord JEHOVAH_ Hebr. YAH YAHVEH, a combination on... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:3

A promise connecting the first song with the second (Isaiah 12:4). _wells of salvation_ (cf. Psalms 87:7). The language is figurative, denoting the inexhaustible fulness of the Divine blessings prepared for the people of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:4

The first part exactly as Psalms 105:1; the last clause resembles Psalms 148:13, &c. _call upon his name_ lit. "call by (means of) His name," i.e. use His name (Jehovah) in solemn invocation. See 1 Kings 18:24. That the expression means merely "utter" or "make known" the name, is hardly probable. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:5

_excellent things_ "Excellence," ch. Isaiah 26:10; cf. Exodus 15:1. _this is known_ Better as R.V. LET THIS BE KNOWN.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 12:6

_Cry out_ the same word as in ch. Isaiah 10:30, but in a very different sense. Cf. ch. Isaiah 24:14; Isaiah 54:1. _inhabitant of Zion_ Lit. "inhabitress," Jerusalem being personified as a woman, Micah 1:11-15; Jeremiah 46:19, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

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