Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab Rather, Let the outcasts of Moab sojourn with thee (as protected guests). This implies a slight change of the vowel points, but has the authority of the chief ancient versions in its favour. The A.V. is a correct translation of the text as pointed, and far preferable to that of R.V., which joins the word Moab to the next clause, a construction unnatural in the extreme, although suggested by the Heb. accents. The vocative use of "Moab" in A.V., and probably also in the Massoretic text, implies that Isaiah 16:3 are conceived as an address to the Moabites.

for the extortioner is at an end … The rest of the verse cannot, in this form, be uttered by the Moabites. We may either suppose with Dillmann that a word meaning "until" has been lost, or (better) with Hitzig take the clauses as protasis to Isaiah 16:5, "for whenthe extortioner, &c." This is perhaps preferable to regarding it as a reflection of the prophet himself.

the spoiler Strictly spoiling (R.V.).

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