The succeeding pictures are exceedingly graphic, an evidence of Isaiah's intense interest in rural life. The reaper gathers the stalks of wheat with one hand and with the other cuts off the ears close to the head.

and it shall be … Rephaim Render as R.V. and it shall be as when one gleaneth ears, &c. See Ruth 2:2; Ruth 2:7; Ruth 2:15 ff. The clause might perhaps be read as the beginning of Isaiah 17:6; one simile passing insensibly into another. The "valley of Rephaim," (="valley of the giants,") Joshua 15:8; Joshua 18:16 (cf. 2 Samuel 5:18; 2 Samuel 5:22; 2 Samuel 23:13), a fertile plain to the south of Jerusalem where Isaiah had watched the reapers and gleaners at work.

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