To whom he said Rather: He who said to them. The verse reproduces the tenor and aim of all Isaiah's teaching (cf. Isaiah 28:16; ch. Isaiah 30:15). He had sought to point out the true way of rest for the exhausted nation by abstinence from the spirited foreign policy advocated by the anti-Assyrian faction. Two translations, however, are possible. Either: "This (Jerusalem) is the resting-place; give rest to the weary; and this is the place of refreshment"; or: This ( line of action) is the ( true) rest … and this is the ( true) refreshment. The latter seems preferable. The word for "rest" (usually "resting-place") is used in the same sense as here in 2 Samuel 14:17. "The weary" is the ordinary plebeian, who had everything to lose and nothing to gain, by the chances of war.

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