Humanly speaking Israel has cause for fear, being surrounded by opponents; but they shall be put to utter confusion.

11f. incensed lit. "inflamed," as in ch. Isaiah 45:24; Song of Solomon 1:6. The precise form occurs only in these passages.

they that strive … them that contendthey that war Lit. men of thy contention … strife … warfare; a climax which Delitzsch renders by adversarii, inimici, hostes. These expressions are emphatic and stand at the end of their respective clauses, and to each are attached two(logical) predicates; hence in Isaiah 41:11 we should read (as R.V. nearly): they shall be as nothing, and shall perish the men etc.

thou shalt seek and not find them that &c. Cf. ch. Isaiah 33:18.

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