The first … behold them A very perplexing sentence: lit. "A first one to Zion, Behold, behold them!" We may render (nearly as R.V.) (I) first (have said) to Zion, Behold, etc. Or we may supply the verb from the following line, thus: "I first will give to Zion (one saying) Behold," etc.; or "I will give a first one (i.e. a forerunner) to Zion (saying), Behold, etc." It is difficult to choose. In any case there appears (from the phrase "behold them") to be a reference back to ch. Isaiah 40:9 ff.; and the general sense must be that that prediction was the first authoritative declaration of the meaning of the appearance of Cyrus. That Cyrus himself is the "forerunner" (Nägelsbach) is not a probable interpretation.

one that bringeth good tidings an evangelist (see ch. Isaiah 40:9).

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