have declared … saved … shewed The arrangement of the verbs is peculiar. Some would remove the second, others the third, as dittography. But if there be any error in the text it is more likely the omission of a fourth word, which would be parallel to "saved," as "shewed" is to "declared" (so Duhm).

whenthere was no strangegod] Rather as R.V. and there was no strange (i.e. foreign) god. There cannot be an allusion to an early period of the history, before idolatry had crept in; because the deliverance is conceived as having just taken place. It is true that many "strange gods" had been acknowledged in Israel; but none of them was really there, as a living active presence in their midst. The meaning is, "It was I who did this, and no god who was a stranger among you." strange godis strictly "stranger," as in Deuteronomy 32:16; Jeremiah 2:25; Jeremiah 3:13.

therefore yeare … that Iam God Render: and ye are my witnesses, and I am God.

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