Comp. the closely parallel passage, ch. Isaiah 63:5.

there was no man See on ch. Isaiah 50:2.

no intercessor Better none to interpose, i.e. on behalf of truth and right (cf. Ezekiel 22:30). Duhm finds in these expressions an allusion to the absence of any human hero to play the rôleassigned to Cyrus in the earlier part of the book. This is perhaps to strain the prophet's language unduly; but see on Isaiah 63:5.

therefore his arm &c. Jehovah's only allies in this conflict with wickedness are His own attributes.

brought salvation unto him "wrought deliverance for Him." Cf. Judges 7:2.

That the whole description refers to a future event can hardly be questioned. The perfects in this verse and the next are those of prophetic certainty.

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