A multitude of camels Cf. Ezekiel 26:10; Job 22:11. The word for "multitude" is used of Jehu's small escort in 2 Kings 9:17. Perhaps "train of camels."

dromedaries properly "young camels." The word does not occur in the O.T. elsewhere; amongst the Arabs it denotes, according to some of the native lexicographers, a camel less than nine years old (Lane's Lexicon).

Ephah a Midianite tribe (Genesis 25:4). The Midianites are often mentioned in the O.T., although nearly always (except Habakkuk 3:7) in connexion with the early history. In Genesis 37:28; Genesis 37:36 they appear as traders between the desert and Egypt (in another source Genesis 37:25; Genesis 37:28 they are called Ishmaelites); in Exodus 2:18 we find them occupying the Sinaitic peninsula; in Numbers 22:25; Numbers 22:31 on the east of the Jordan; in Judges 6-8 their hordes invade Palestine. Their proper territory is said to have been east of the Gulf of Akaba, where Ptolemy and the Arabian geographers mention a city of Madian.

all they from Sheba i.e. (probably) all those of Sheba; although the Hebrew accentuation implies that the subject is the "dromedaries of Midian"; hence R.V. "they all shall come from Sheba." The meaning would then be that the produce of Sheba was conveyed by Midianite caravans. Sheba(Genesis 10:7 &c.) is a people and country in Arabia Felix (Yemen).

gold and incense See 1 Kings 10:2; Ezekiel 27:22; Psalms 72:15; Jeremiah 6:20.

shew forth the praises of the Lord Lit. "proclaim the glad tidings of" His praiseworthy deeds; cf. ch. Isaiah 63:7.

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