Kedar(see on ch. Isaiah 21:16) … Nebajoth Cf. Genesis 25:13 &c. The identification of the latter tribe with the Nabatæans of the classical writers is disputed by some eminent authorities, but it is at least a significant circumstance that "Nabataei et Cedrei" are bracketed together by Pliny, as Nabaitai and Kidrai are associated in Assyrian inscriptions (Schrader, Cuneiform Inscriptions, on Genesis 25:13 f.). The Nabatæans were as powerful in the last three centuries b.c. as the Midianites appear to have been in the days of Moses and the Judges (see on ch. 34 Introd. Note).

shall minister unto thee serve thee for sacrificial victims. The verb has a liturgical sense (see ch. Isaiah 56:6) and the somewhat peculiar expression is explained by the following clause.

I will glorify &c. my beautiful house I will beautify (Isaiah 60:13). It is difficult to say whether these words imply that the Temple was already in existence.

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