The "for" seems to go back to Isaiah 7:14: he shall be called "God with us," because whilst he is yet in infancy a signal deliverance shall be wrought.

the land that thou abhorrest … kings Render: the land before whose two kings thou cowerest shall be deserted. The two "tails of smoking firebrands" shall have burned out. Ephraim and Syria are treated as one territory, ruled by the two allied kings.

17 gives the other aspect, the threatening aspect, of the sign Immanuel, interpreting Isaiah 7:15. A calamity involving the king, the dynasty, and the nation, is the retribution appointed for the unbelief of Ahaz.

from the day … Judah The revolt of the ten tribes under Jeroboam was the heaviest disaster that had ever befallen the house of David. The last words, the king of Assyria, may as many think be a gloss, but they are at least a correct gloss.

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