See summary before Jeremiah 10:17. Stade, Du. and others (so Gi. in 1905, see his Metrik, p. 23) consider the passage to be the work of a supplementer. Gi. already in his Commentary (1894) surrenders Jeremiah 10:25, probably rightly, while Jeremiah 10:23 may at least be held doubtful. Co. agrees with Gi. as to Jeremiah 10:25, saying that, though suitable in a Maccabaean Psalm, as he considers Psalms 79 to be (where the v. is identical with Jeremiah 10:6), Jeremiah elsewhere holds the nations to be God's servants, carrying out His punishments on Jerusalem. On the other hand even Du. admits that Jeremiah 10:23 may beJeremiah's own. Accordingly Co. fitly asks whether it be not possible that the prophet, forbidden though he was by Jehovah to intercede for his sinful nation (Jeremiah 7:16; Jeremiah 11:14; Jeremiah 14:7), yet felt impelled here to make one final appeal for some amount of mitigation in the penalty.

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