first The word (rî"shônah) is not found in LXX, and was probably inserted after Jeremiah 16:14 f. had been introduced into the text. Co. however thinks it is a corruption of the frequent expression (e.g. Judges 9:57) -al ro'shâm, upon their head.

double Cp. Isaiah 40:2.

because they have polluted The mg. is more strictly in accordance with the Hebrew.

the carcases, etc.] the idols themselves, called carcases as being in their nature polluting to the touch like a dead body.

The whole of Jeremiah 16:18 is unmetrical, and Co. rejects the second part (from "because"), as containing language belonging to later times, e.g. "carcases" in connexion with idols, as in Ezekiel 6 (specially in Jeremiah 16:5; Jeremiah 16:13) and Leviticus 26:30.

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