Jeremiah 20:1

Jeremiah 20:1. _Now Pashhur the son of Immer the priest_ The name seems to have been a common one. In Jeremiah 21:1 and Jeremiah 38:1 a P. "son of Malchiah" is mentioned, and in the latter _v_. we find a third (possibly, however, identical with the present one), who was father of Gedaliah. Doubt has... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:2

_the stocks_ Cp. Jeremiah 29:26. See HDB. I. 527 for anything that is known with reference to this mode of punishment as applied then. _upper gate of Benjamin, which was in, etc_.] the northern gate (built by Jotham, 2 Kings 15:35) of the upper (inner) court of the Temple, and to be distinguished f... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:3

_Magor-missabib_ meaning, _terror on every side_. The LXX wrongly render, _foreigner_, obtaining this sense from the fact that the Hebrew roots for _terror_and _sojourn in a foreign country_are identical in form. The name is to be significant of his fate, which doubtless was to go into exile with Je... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:6

_prophesied falsely_ He thus would appear to have assumed the functions of a prophet, and to have insisted that the warnings of Jeremiah were absurd. See Jeremiah 14:13 ff.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:7

_deceived_ mg. _enticed_; induced him to undertake duties, the gravity of which together with the resulting sufferings was hidden from him. Cp. use of the same Hebrew word in Proverbs 1:10; Proverbs 16:29.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:7-9

These _vv_. shew us that the prophets did not speak of their own will. It was an influence which they could not resist that urged them forward, in spite of the certain ills that should follow to themselves. "Here there rings out clearly the prophet's unfaltering certainty of the real inspiration whi... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:7-18

Jeremiah 20:7-18. The prophet bitterly complains to God of his lot The passage opens to us the depths of the prophet's soul, and we see him in intimate converse with God, and possessed now by the emotions of despair, and now by confident hope. We have here the thoughts, as Gi. and Co. observe, whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:8

_Violence and spoil_ directed generally against himself. Cp. Jeremiah 5:26-28; Jeremiah 9:4. _a reproach unto me, and a derision_ Words applied to his own case by the great Florentine, Savonarola, "I have had nothing but tribulations, derision, and reproach." Clark's _Savonarola_, p. 169.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:9

_make mention_ rather, _think thereon_, i.e. on "the word." _I am weary with forbearing_ rather, as in Jeremiah 6:11, "weary with holding in.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:10

_defaming_ lit. probably, _whispering_. Cp. Psalms 31:13. _watch for my halting_ Cp. Psalms 35:15; Psalms 38:17. _enticed_ into some act, which will lay him open to attack.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:13

This exclamation of praise may be compared with those which break out from time to time in the course, or at the conclusion, of many even among the most mournful and despondent of the Psalms, e.g. Psalms 35:9-10; Psalms 35:28.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:14

"The days of the year are not for the Hebrew mind mere marks of time, they are objective entities, each of which in its turn visits the world (cp. the twelve months in the fairy tale)." Pe.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:14-18

See summary at commencement of section. Cp. Job 3:3-12. The latter passage is even more vehement than this and also bears traces of artificiality as compared with this natural and spontaneous outburst of a deeply moved human soul. We can hardly therefore doubt that the Job passage is based upon this... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:15

"No man of course can curse his father or his mother, so Jeremiah curses the messenger, who brought the joyful news from the women's quarters." Du.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:16

_let that man, etc_.] Du. and Co. object to so much being made of the messenger, and therefore consider that for "man" we should substitute, or at any rate understand, "day" of the previous _v_. The meaning then would be, Let that day assuredly bring disaster. But the change is unnecessary. The text... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 20:17

_from_ better (with LXX), as shewn by the context, _in_. The consonants which represent the two prepositions were written similarly in Hebrew MSS.... [ Continue Reading ]

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