Jeremiah 22 - Introduction

Jeremiah 22:1 to Jeremiah 23:8. Judgements on the kings of Judah of the period The compiler has brought together Jeremiah's utterances of various dates on successive kings. They form a mixture of poetic and prose elements, and contain some amount of editorial matter. The section may be subdivided a... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:1

_Go down_ from the Temple on the eastern hill of Jerusalem to the king's house, which was S. of it on lower ground. Cp. Jer 36:10-12; 2 Kings 11:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:5

_I swear by myself_ For comment on this as the most solemn and binding form of oath, see Hebrews 6:13-18. The form is repeated in Jeremiah 49:13, and occurs besides in Genesis 22:16; Isaiah 45:23, and a cognate expression is found Jeremiah 51:14; Amos 6:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:6

_concerning_ if there is any preference, better as mg. _unto_. _Gilead unto me_, and _the head of Lebanon_ well-wooded regions. Cp. Isaiah 2:13; Isaiah 37:24; Zechariah 11:1 f.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:6-9

See introd. summary to section. We may take Jeremiah 22:6 (which are in Ḳinah metre) to be in the main genuine, although (Co.) the statement that they concern the palace is somewhat inconsistent with the general tenor of the passage, which evidently refers to the city as a whole. Jeremiah 22:8 are g... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:10-12

See introd. summary to section. After Josiah's death at the battle of Megiddo (b.c. 608), Jehoahaz, though not the eldest son (see Intr. pp. xiv. f.), was chosen to succeed him, but after three months was dethroned by Pharaoh-necoh, and carried off to Egypt, where he died (2 Kings 23:33 ff.). The pa... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:11

_Shallum_ See lntr. p. xiv. Shallum was probably the name which he bore before his accession. Other hypotheses to account for the name being here given to Jehoahaz are unlikely, e.g. (i) that it had reference to the shortness of his reign, as alluding to Shallum king of Israel, who was king for one... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:13

_that buildeth his house by unrighteousness_ Jehoiakim, as though it were not enough to involve the land in a heavy tribute to the king of Egypt (2 Kings 23:35), exacted forced labour from his own subjects that he might have a sumptuous palace built for himself. _chambers_ UPPER CHAMBERS, and so in... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:14

There is considerable variance between MT. and LXX in this v., but the general sense is clear. _windows_ The Hebrew word is unusual in its form. Michaelis by a different division of words, renders … _his windows, cieling it, etc_., i.e. _covering_(it) _in, panelling_(it), as "cieling" meant when A.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:15

_Shalt thou reign_ Dost thou think that ostentation and luxury constitute a king? _strivest to excel in cedar_ mg. (less well), _viest with the cedar_. For "cedar" LXX (supported by the Arabic) have _Ahaz_(the two words resembling one another in Hebrew), but Codex A (Alexandrinus) of the LXX reads... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:17

_covetousness_ better as mg. _dishonest gain_. Jehoiakim "remained fixed in the recollections of his countrymen, as the last example of those cruel, selfish, luxurious princes, the natural product of Oriental monarchies, the disgrace of the monarchy of David." (Stanley, _J. Ch_. II. 448.)... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:18

_Ah my brother! or, Ah sister!_ given as the usual formulae in lamenting a death (see 1 Kings 13:30). The second is here inappropriate, but it satisfies the parallelism of the Ḳinah metre of the whole passage. _Ah lord! or, Ah his glory!_ the lamentations of subjects and friends, those outside his... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:18,19

The prediction of the circumstances attendant upon his death. Cp. Jeremiah 36:30, the similarity of which makes it probable that these were among the "many like words" which were added to the original form of the Roll (Jeremiah 36:32) as read to Jehoiakim, and would thus probably be later than the r... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:20

_Abarim_ a range of mountains to the south-east of Palestine. They included Nebo, from which Moses viewed the land (Numbers 27:12; Deuteronomy 32:49). _thy lovers_ The reference is not clear. The word may indicate either the false gods worshipped by Israel (cp. Jeremiah 48:7; Jeremiah 49:3), or (se... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:20-30

See introd. summary to section. Jeremiah 22:20 have no direct connexion with those that follow and seem to have been introduced here on account of the reference to the rulers ("shepherds") in Jeremiah 22:22. The address is to the people, the fem. sing. being used collectively. See on Jeremiah 21:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:22

_feed_ mg. _feed upon_, but rather SHEPHERD, so as to preserve the play on words in the Heb. _shepherds_ See on Jeremiah 2:8. Thy leaders, in whom thou hast confidence, shall be driven like a flock into exile by the wind of adversity. _thy lovers_ perhaps inserted from Jeremiah 22:20, as being her... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:23

"Judah has been as confident of safety as a bird that had fixed its nest far away from men in the cedars on the heights of Lebanon." Pe. _inhabitant_ For mg. _inhabitress_see on Jeremiah 21:13. _how greatly to be pitied_ The mg. _how wilt thou groan_is probably the right reading (so LXX, Syr. and... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:24

_Coniah_ Cp. Jeremiah 37:1; called also _Jeconiah_(both names meaning, Jehovah is firm, enduring) Jeremiah 24:1; Jeremiah 27:20; Jeremiah 28:4, Jer 29:2; 1 Chronicles 3:16; Esther 2:6, and _Jehoiachin_(Jehovah appointeth) Jeremiah 52:31; 2 Kings 24:6, etc.;... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:24-30

The judgement on Jehoiachin. This part of the sub-section may also be subdivided, inasmuch as in 24 27 he has yet to be taken to Babylon, while in 28 30 that event is spoken of as in the past. The verb in Jeremiah 22:28 can be taken, however, as a _prophetic_perfect, implying certainty of fulfilment... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:25

The diffuseness of this _v_., though somewhat less conspicuous in LXX, renders it rather suspicious. Du., Co. and Gi. all reject it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:27

_their soul longeth_ For mg. _they lift up their soul_cp. Jeremiah 44:14; Deuteronomy 24:15; Hosea 4:8. The soul was considered the seat of desire.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:28

_vessel_ mg. _pot_, but rather, "a terra-cotta figurine," _Encycl. Bibl_. III. 3818, quoted by Dr. _wherein is no pleasure_ For the expression cp. Jeremiah 48:38; Hosea 8:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:29

_O earth, earth, earth_ better as mg. _land_. For the threefold repetition cp. Jeremiah 7:4. Du. however rejects this and the following _v_. on the ground that the emphatic introduction is unnatural, especially as Jeremiah, according to him, would not be further interested as to the king's fate in e... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 22:30

_Write ye_ For the word in the sense of enter in a register of citizens cp. Isaiah 4:3; Psalms 87:6. _childless_ In 1 Chronicles 3:17, etc. he appears to have had children, and Shealtiel (Matthew 1:12) is reckoned as his son. Shealtiel was, however, descended from David through his son Nathan (Luke... [ Continue Reading ]

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