Jeremiah 26 - Introduction

Jeremiah 26:1-24. Solemn warning addressed to the people and its results This ch. as a whole gives us a rapid sketch of the circumstances under which Jeremiah had uttered the prophecies that went before. The more definite he had become in his warnings, the more he excited the wrath of the false pro... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:1-6

For a discussion as to the relation of these _vv_. to chs. 7 10 see introductory note there. Gi. points out that the use of the 3rd person with reference to Jeremiah as well as other features of the ch. indicate the probability that it is a compilation made by Baruch, upon which the following chs.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:2

_the court of the Lord's house_ probably the outer court, as that in which the people would assemble; so ch. Jeremiah 19:14. _the cities of_ LXX omit; introduced perhaps to harmonize with Jeremiah 11:6. _keep not back a word_ The temptation in the way of suppression would be through natural shrink... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:4

_my law_ See on Jeremiah 8:8. Here the reference, as the following clause indicates, is to the doctrinal rather than the ritual teaching. _I have set before you_ See on Jeremiah 9:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:6

_Shiloh_ See on Jeremiah 7:12. _will make this city a curse to_ will make all nations use it as an example when imprecating curses on their enemies. Cp. Jeremiah 24:9 and contrast Genesis 12:3; Genesis 22:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:7

_prophets_ The LXX, in order to make the sense clearer, render the Hebrew here, as in Jeremiah 26:8_; Jeremiah 26:11; Jeremiah 26:16_, "_false_prophets.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:8

_Thou shalt surely die_ That prophet who spoke without God's command was according to Deuteronomy 18:20 to be put to death. The charge against Jeremiah then was of this nature, and the alleged proof, that it was impossible in the nature of things that such a calamity could be allowed to happen to th... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:10

_the princes of Judah … came up from the king's house_ The powers of these persons are not clear. Evidently, however, their employment about the court and the constantly increasing weakness of the monarchy would help them to the acquisition of such authority as we find them here exercising. _came u... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:12

Jeremiah's defence is that the message is from God and therefore true. His conviction is unshaken. Let his accusers beware, lest in putting him to death they be really fighting against God. Cp. Gamaliel in Acts 5:39.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:17

_the elders of the land_ Certain elders support this proceeding by the precedent of Micah. We find frequent mention of the employment of leading men for administrative or judicial purposes (Deuteronomy 19:12; Deuteronomy 21:2 ff.; 1Sa 16:4; 1 Kings 21:8; 1 Kings 21:11), or simply as representatives... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:18

_Micaiah_ So MT. reads in its text. _Micah_in its mg. is of course the Minor Prophet. _Morashtite_ native of Morésheth, a small town near Gath, about 23 miles S.W. of Jerusalem. _Zion shall be plowed_, etc.] Micah 3:12; the only citation by name of another prophet's utterance in the whole of proph... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:19

_Did Hezekiah … put him at all to death_? [The words of Micah had been to the full as harsh-sounding as any that had been uttered by Jeremiah. Jeremiah was attacked for predicting the fall of the Temple and city; but Micah had said the same thing and no action was taken against him. The precedent su... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:20-24

See introd. summary to ch. The story is introduced by the compiler (probably Baruch) to illustrate the risk to which Jeremiah was exposed; perhaps also to contrast Jeremiah's courage and Uriah's cowardice. Du. suggests that the occurrence took place at the same Feast, but at a moment when the king w... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:22

_Elnathan … into Egypt_ omitted by LXX and perhaps a gloss. Gi. points out that what we read of him in Jeremiah 36:12; Jeremiah 36:25 would make such an act as this on his part unlikely. On the other hand it is difficult for this very reason to understand his name being inserted here by a copyist. I... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:23

_they fetched forth Uriah out of Egypt_ As Jehoiakim was a vassal of Egypt (2 Kings 23:34), the extradition of a man accused of treason was easily effected. _common people_ For mg. _sons of the people_cp. Jeremiah 17:19.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 26:24

_Ahikam the son of Shaphan_ He was one of the five sent by Josiah (2 Kings 22:12) to consult Huldah. His son Gedaliah, as governor of the land (Jeremiah 39:14; Jeremiah 40:5), stood the prophet's friend subsequently. It was in the chamber of another son of Shaphan, Gemariah, that Baruch read Jeremia... [ Continue Reading ]

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