A hot wind The foe comes not as a gentle wind, such as that used (see on Jeremiah 15:7) to separate wheat from chaff, but one that shall whirl away both together. Thomson (op. cit. p. 295) describes the sirocco thus: "The air becomes loaded with fine dust, which it whirls in rainless clouds hither and thither at its own wild will.… The eyes inflame, the lips blister, and the moisture of the body evaporates, under the ceaseless application of this persecuting wind"; and again (p. 536), "We have two kinds of sirocco, one accompanied with vehement wind, which fills the air with dust and fine sand." Cp. Joel 2:30 f.

bare heights omitted by LXX. Cp. on Jeremiah 3:2.

toward we may understand comethfrom Jeremiah 4:12.

daughter fem. sing. in a collective sense. Cp. Jeremiah 4:30; Jeremiah 6:14; Jeremiah 8:11, etc.

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