Jeremiah 44 - Introduction

Jeremiah 44:1-30. Jeremiah's protest against the worship of the Queen of Heaven We may note that this is Jeremiah's last recorded prophecy. The exiles at Babylon before the overthrow of Jerusalem and the Temple argued that the national calamities were to be ascribed to the abolition of the forms o... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:1

_The word that came to Jeremiah_ Apparently some little time had elapsed since the arrival of the fugitives, so as to allow for the development of the worship here spoken of. We must remember, however, that there were colonies of Jews in Egypt already. The occasion was probably a gathering of a larg... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:4

Cp. Jeremiah 7:25 and elsewhere. We should perhaps read for "you" _them_, although "you" implies in a significant way the continuous personality of the nation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:9

_their wives_ rightly, by a slight deviation from MT. Cp. Jeremiah 44:17_; Jeremiah 44:21_(so Gi., Du. and Co.). LXX _your princes_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:14

_have a desire_ For lit. Heb. See on Jeremiah 22:27. _for none … escape_ perhaps added afterwards as a correction to the earlier part of the _v_. on account of the actual return of certain fugitives. So Co.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:15

_and all the women_ It has been suggested that it is hardly likely that women would have come so far, and that "even … Pathros" is a gloss. Pathros was the S. part of what is now called Egypt, but was once politically separated from it, Ethiopia claiming its possession. It is identical with the Theb... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:17

_every word that is gone forth out of our mouth_ For this phrase as employed of vows see Numbers 30:2; Numbers 30:12; Deuteronomy 23:23; Judges 11:36; Psalms 66:13 f. _the queen of heaven_ See on ch. Jeremiah 7:18. _victuals_ lit. as mg. _bread_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:18

See introd. note on Jeremiah 7:16-20. The _v_. alludes to the misfortunes reaching from Josiah's death at Megiddo to the flight into Egypt. The passage is important "as shewing the view taken of these misfortunes by Jews of the average type. Jeremiah regarded the misfortunes of his country as proofs... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:19

_worship_ The alternative in mg. suggests that her image may have been stamped upon them. For "cakes" See on Jeremiah 7:18. _without our husbands_ According to Numbers 30:6 f., which in its present form doubtless represents a much older practice, the consent of the husband was necessary before the... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:22

_could no longer bear_ These words contain the pith of the answer to the people's argument that they had been more prosperous while openly practising idolatry than afterwards. Jeremiah points out that even though their national misfortunes were subsequent to Josiah's reformation, and therefore after... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:25

_Ye and your wives_ better, with LXX, _Ye women_. _with your hands have fulfilled it_ have carried out your determination. For the expression cp. 1 Kings 8:15; 1 Kings 8:24. _establish then, etc_.] ironically spoken. If ye will persist in spite of all my warnings, then be it so.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:26-28

As these _vv_. stand, there is, if we take them literally, a considerable amount of contradiction (cp. Jeremiah 44:14). The Egyptian Jews are (Jeremiah 44:26) to perish completely; but (Jeremiah 44:27) some are to escape into Judah, while survivors in Egypt (Jeremiah 44:28) shall know whose word sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 44:29

_And this shall be the sign_ It has been inferred, but unnecessarily, from the close correspondence of these _vv_. with the above piece of history that these two verses are an interpolation made after the event. Pharaoh Hophra (the Greek Apries) reigned from b.c. 589 to _c._570, when he was overthro... [ Continue Reading ]

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