Probably a continuation of Pharaoh's appeal to his warriors, as put into his mouth by Jeremiah.

Go up The summons is to cavalry, chariots, and infantry that they should set forth from Egypt.

Cush and Put … and the Ludim the mercenary troops, who formed from the days of Psammetichus the chief part of the Egyptian armies. The Ethiopians (Cush) were children of Ham (Genesis 10:6). The situation of Put is doubtful. It is generally placed on the N. coast of Africa, W. of Egypt, but may have been Punt, a country on the Red Sea. The Ludim (see Genesis 10:13) were also Africans. Possibly, however, we should read Lubimhere, as in Nahum 3:9, i.e. the people of Libya (W. of Egypt). We have the three peoples here mentioned spoken of again as Egyptian mercenaries in Ezekiel 30:5.

bend literally, tread, string.

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