Job 13:1-22. Job knows the Divine Wisdom and Might as well as the Friends; their application of these to him is false. He desires to plead his Cause before God

Having finished his delineation of God's might and wisdom as they act in the world, Job looks back upon his picture, saying that he knows all this as well as his friends (Job 13:1); but his calamities receive thereby no solution. In spite of this knowledge he desires to plead his cause before God (Job 13:3).

And they who sought to use this wisdom and might of God against him, were mere forgers of lies, who gave a false as well as feeble explanation of his troubles (Job 13:4). They were nothing but partizans for God. And as they had invoked the omniscience of God against him he will threaten them with the judgment of the same God, who will search out their hidden insincerity, and before whom their old maxims will be but "proverbs of ashes" (Job 13:6).

With this stinging rebuke to his friends Job turns from them unto God. He will adventure all and go into His presence to plead his cause come what may (Job 13:13). This courage which he feels is token to him that he shall be victorious, for a godless man would not dare to come before God. He knows he shall be found in the right (Job 13:16). Only he will beg for two conditions, That God would remove His hand from him, and, That he would not terrify him by His majesty; then he is ready to answer if God will call, or to speak if God will answer (Job 13:20).

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