The verse reads,

It shall devour the members of his body,

Even the firstborn of death shall devour his members.

The subject itin clause one is the "firstborn of death" in clause two; cf. a similar construction, Judges 5:20, "they fought from heaven, the stars in their courses fought against Sisera". "Members of his body" is literally the pieces("parts" ch. Job 41:12) of his skin. The firstborn of death is the strongest child of death (Genesis 49:3); or else, less naturally, the "deadliest death," cf. firstborn of the poor (the very poorest) Isaiah 14:30; in any case the phrase means the most terrible and fatal disease. The Arabs call deadly diseases "daughters of destiny" destiny, as the bacchanal fatalist sings,

Ordained for us and we ordained for it.

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