Job 19:23. Hopeless in the present he turns his eye to the future. He desires that his protest of innocence might find indelible record in the rock, that the generations to come might read it. Yet how small a thing that would be to him, whose chief sorrow lay in the alienation of God from his spirit. He shall have more. He knowsthat God shall yet appear to vindicate him, and that he shall see Him with his eyes in peace.

Third, Job 19:28. Finally he adds a brief threat to his friends.

Tentimes is a round number for often, Genesis 31:7; Numbers 14:22.

make yourselves strange to me An expression of uncertain meaning, as the word does not occur again, unless, as some suppose, it be found in Isaiah 3:9. The meaning may be, ye wrong me, the root having some resemblance to an Arabic verb rendered by Lane "to wrong," also "to be persistent in contention." Ew., ye are unfeeling towards me.

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