not that Light Better, not the Light. The Baptist was not the Light, but -the lamp that is lighted and shineth" (see on John 5:35). He was lumen illuminatum, not lumen illuminans. At the close of the first century it was still necessary for S. John to insist on this. At Ephesus, where this Gospel was written, S. Paul in his third missionary journey had found disciples still resting in -John's baptism," Acts 19:1-6. -By lamp-light we may advance to the day" (Augustine).

but was sent to-was sent" is not in the Greek. -But (in order) that" is an elliptical phrase occurring several times in this Gospel. It calls attention to the Divine purpose. Comp. John 9:3; John 13:18; John 14:31; John 15:25.

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