John 11 - Introduction

Christ is Love illustrated by a Sign Christ's love for His friends brings about His own death. Expressions of affection and tenderness abound in the chapter; comp. John 11:3_; John 11:5; John 11:11; John 11:15; John 11:35_. We have now reached -the culminating point of the miraculous activity of o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:1

The Prelude to the Sign 1. _Now a certain man was sick_ Note once more the touching simplicity of the narrative. -Now" should perhaps be -but," though the Greek particle may mean either. Here it introduces a contrast to what precedes. Christ went into PERAEA for retirement, BUT the sickness of Laza... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:1-57

John 2:13 TO JOHN 11:57. The Work We here enter on the second portion of the first main division of the Gospel, thus subdivided: The Work (1) among _Jews_, (2) among _Samaritans_, (3) among _Galileans_, (4) among _mixed multitudes_.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:2

_It was that Mary which anointed_ This of course does not necessarily imply that the anointing had already taken place, as those who identify Mary with the -sinner" of Luke 7:37 would insist: it merely implies that when S. John wrote, this fact was well known about her, as Christ had promised should... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:3

_Therefore his sisters sent_ This shews that John 11:2 ought not to be made a parenthesis: -therefore" refers to the previous statement. Because of the intimacy, which every one who knew of the anointing would understand, the sisters sent. Note that they are not further described; S. John has said e... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:4

_is not unto death_ i.e. is not to have death as its final result. Christ foresaw both the death and the resurrection, and (as so often) uttered words which His disciples did not understand at the time, but recognised in their proper meaning after what He indicated had taken place. Comp. John 2:22;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:5

_Now Jesus loved Martha_ The English Version loses much here, and still more in John 21:15-17, by using the same word -love" to translate two different Greek words: nor can the loss be remedied satisfactorily. The word used in John 11:3, _philein_(Lat. _amare_), denotes a passionate, emotional warmt... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:6

_When he had heard therefore_ Omit -had." The connexion is a little difficult. -Therefore" after the statement in John 11:5 prepares us for -He set out immediately," but instead of that we have the reverse. -Therefore," however, really leads on to John 11:7, and consequently there should be only a s... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:7

_Let us go into Judea again_ The again refers us back to John 10:40. His using the general term, Judæa, instead of Bethany leads to the disciples" reply. Judaea was associated with hostility, Bethany with love and friendship.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:8

_Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee_ Better, RABBI (see on John 4:31) JUST NOW _the Jews_ WERE SEEKING _to stone Thee_(John 10:31) _and_ ART THOU GOING _thither again?_-Again" is emphatic.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:9

_Are there not twelve hours in the day_ As so often, Christ gives no direct answer to the question asked, but a general principle, involving the answer to the question. Comp. John 2:6; John 2:19; John 3:5; John 3:10; John 4:13; John 4:21; John 6:32; John 6:52; John 8:7;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:10

_he stumbleth_ Christ's night came when His hour came (John 17:1). Then the powers of darkness prevailed (Luke 22:53) and His enemies became a stumblingblock in His path, bringing His work to a close (John 19:30). The word for -stumble" means literally to -knock the foot against" something. _there... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:11

_and after that and after_ THIS. These words indicate a pause in the narrative. _Our friend Lazarus sleepeth_ Better, LAZARUS OUR FRIEND IS FALLEN ASLEEP, or, _is gone to rest_. Sleep as an image of death is common from the dawn of literature; but the Gospel has raised the expression from a figure t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:12

_Then said his disciples_ Better, THEREFORE _said the disciples_ TO HIM. They catch at any chance of escape from the dreaded journey. _if he sleeps he shall do well_ Better, _if he_ BE FALLEN ASLEEP, _he shall_ BE SAVED, will be cured. Probably they thought that Christ meant to go and cure Lazarus ... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:13

_Howbeit Jesus spake_ Or, NOW _Jesus_ HAD SPOKEN. _had spoken_ SPAKE. _taking of rest in sleep_ The word here translated -taking of rest" corresponds to -sleepeth" or -is gone to rest" in John 11:11, and -to sleep" in John 11:12. The word translated -awake him out of sleep" in John 11:11 is a comp... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:14

_Then said Jesus_ -Then" here, as in Romans 6:21, is made to cover two Greek words, -then" of time, and -then" of consequence: translate, _Then_ THEREFORE _said Jesus_. _plainly_ Without metaphor: see on John 7:4 and John 10:24.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:15

_I am glad_ Christ rejoices, not at his friend's death, but at His own absence from the scene, for the disciples" sake. Had He been there, Lazarus would not have died, and the disciples would have lost this great sign of His Messiahship. _to the intent ye may believe_ S. John's favourite constructio... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:16

_Then said_ THEREFORE _said_. _Thomas, which is called Didymus_ S. John thrice (John 20:24; John 21:2) reminds his readers that Thomas is the same as he whom Gentile Christians called Didymus. Thomas is Hebrew, Didymus is Greek, for a twin. In all probability he was a twin, _possibly_of S. Matthew,... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:17

_Then when Jesus came_ Better, _When_ THEREFORE _Jesus came_, not to the house, nor to Bethany, but to the vicinity (John 11:20_; John 11:30_). In John 11:16 also -then" should be _therefore_, S. John's favourite particle to express a sequence in fact. _he found_ i.e. on enquiry. It would seem as if... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:18

_Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem_ The -was" _need_not imply that when S. John wrote Bethany had been destroyed, but this is the more probable meaning; especially as no other Evangelist speaks of places in the past tense, and S. John does not always do so. The inference is that he wrote after the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:19

_many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary_ Better, _many_ FROM AMONG _the Jews_ HAD COME, &c. The received text with some good authorities has -had come to Martha and Mary and their friends," but this is not the best-attested reading. -The Jews" here, as usual, means Christ's opponents; they would c... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:20

_Then Martha_ Or, _Martha_, THEREFORE. Information would be brought to her as the elder sister and (apparently) mistress of the house (Luke 10:38). She as usual takes the lead in entertaining, and Mary shrinks from it. "One most remarkable feature in the history is the coincidence between the charac... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:21

_if thou hadst been here_ Not a reproach, however gentle (she does not say -hadst Thou _come_"), but an expression of deep regret. This thought had naturally been often in the sisters" minds during the last four days (comp. John 11:32). They believe that Christ could and would have healed Lazarus: t... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:22

_But I know, that even now_ -But" must be omitted on critical grounds; and the text should run, AND NOW (that he is dead) _I know that_, &c. She believes that had Christ been there, He could have healed Lazarus by His own power (comp. John 4:47), and that now His prayer may prevail with God to raise... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:23

_shall rise again_ He uses an ambiguous expression as an exercise of her faith. Some think that these words contain no allusion to the immediate restoration of Lazarus, and that Martha (John 11:24) understands them rightly. More probably Christ includes the immediate restoration of Lazarus, but she... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:24

_I know that he shall rise again_ This conviction was probably in advance of average Jewish belief on the subject. The O.T. declarations as to a resurrection are so scanty and obscure, that the Sadducees could deny the doctrine, and the Pharisees had to resort to oral tradition to maintain it (see o... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:25

_I am the resurrection, and the life_ He draws her from her selfish grief to Himself. There is no need for Him to pray as man to God (John 11:22); _He_(and none else) is the Resurrection and the Life. There is no need to look forward to the last day; He _is_(not -will be") the Resurrection and the L... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:26

_shall never die_ See on John 8:51; the form of expression is the same; -shall assuredly never die." _Believest thou this?_ A searching question, suddenly put. She answers with confidence, and gives the ground of her confidence.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:27

_I believe_ Literally, I HAVE BELIEVED, i.e. _I have convinced myself and do believe_. _that thou art the Christ_ She cannot have known the full import of her confession. With the Apostles she shared her countrymen's imperfect views of the character and office of the Messiah. See on John 9:38. _whi... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:28

_secretly_ Because she knew that some of Christ's enemies were among the guests (John 11:19_; John 11:31_). -Secretly" belongs to -saying," not to -called." _The Master is come_ Or, _The Teacher is come_. It is not the Hebrew word -Rabbi" that is here used, as in John 1:50; John 3:2; John 3:26; John... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:30

_into the town_ Or, _into the_ VILLAGE; see on John 11:1. By remaining outside He would be able to say what He wished to say to the sisters without fear of interruption. _was in that place_ was STILL in that place.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:31

_followed her, saying_ For -saying" read with the best authorities, THINKING. Their following interferes with the privacy at which Martha had aimed. _to weep there_ The word rendered -weep" here and in John 11:33, as distinct from the one used in John 11:35, indicates a loud expression of grief; wa... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:32

_Then when Mary Mary_ THEREFORE _when_. _she fell down at his feet_ Nothing of the kind is reported of Martha, John 11:21. Here again the difference of character between the two sisters appears. _Lord, if thou hadst been here_ The same words as those of Martha, John 11:21. No doubt the sisters had... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:33

The Sign 33. _weeping … weeping_ The repetition is for emphasis, and to point a contrast which is the key to the passage. _he groaned in the spirit_ Better, _He_ WAS ANGERED _in the spirit_. The word translated -groaned" occurs five times in N.T.; here, John 11:38; Matthew 9:30; Mark 1:43; Mark 14:... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:34

_Where have ye laid him?_ This question is against the supposition, based on John 11:31, that the place where Jesus halted outside the village was close to the grave. _They say unto him_ -They" are the two sisters: on both sides "grief speaks in the fewest possible words.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:35

_Jesus wept_ Or, SHED TEARS. The word occurs nowhere else in N.T.; it expresses less loud lamentation than the word used in John 11:31_; John 11:33_. He sheds tears on His way to their brother's grave, not because He is ignorant or doubtful of what is coming, but because He cannot but sympathize wit... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:36

_Then said … loved him_ Here, as in John 11:12_; John 11:14; John 11:16; John 11:20; John 11:31; John 11:41; John 11:45; John 11:47; John 11:53; John 11:56_, -then" sh [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:37

_And some of them_ Better, BUT _some of them_, in contrast to those who speak in John 11:36, who are not unfriendly, while these sneer. The drift of this remark is -He weeps; but why did He not come in time to save His friend? Because He knew that He could not. And if He could not, did he really ope... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:38

_groaning in himself_ See on John 11:33. This shews that - _in_His spirit" not - _at_His spirit" is the right translation there. Their sneering scepticism rouses His indignation afresh. _to the grave_ See on John 11:17. Insert NOW before -it was a cave." The having a private burying-place indicates... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:39

_the sister of him that was dead_ Not inserted gratuitously. It was because she was his sister that she could not bear to see him or allow him to be seen disfigured by corruption. The remark comes much more naturally from the practical Martha than from the reserved and retiring Mary. There is nothin... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:40

_Said I not_ Apparently a reference to John 11:25, and to the reply to the messenger, John 11:4: on both occasions more perhaps was said than is recorded. See notes on John 11:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:41

_from the place where the dead was laid_ These words, are omitted by an overwhelming number of authorities. They are a needless explanation added by a later hand. _And Jesus lift_ The verb is identical with that translated -took away" in the preceding clause. Both should be translated alike; moreov... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:42

_And I knew_ Better, BUT _I knew_, -I" being very emphatic. This verse is added to prevent misunderstanding: no one must suppose from this act of thanksgiving that there are any prayers of the Son which the Father does not hear. _I said it_ i.e. I said the words -I thank Thee, &c." _that thou hast... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:43

_cried_ The Greek word (rare in N.T. except in this Gospel) is nowhere else used of Christ. It is elsewhere used of the shout of a multitude; John 12:13; John 18:40; John 19:6, (12), 15. Comp. Matthew 12:19; Acts 22:23. This loud cry was perhaps the result of strong emotion, or in order that the who... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:44

_came forth_ It is safest not to regard this as an additional miracle. The winding-sheet may have been loosely tied round him, or each limb may have been swathed separately: in Egyptian mummies sometimes every finger is kept distinct. _graveclothes_ The Greek word occurs here only in N.T. Comp. Pro... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:45

Opposite Results of the Sign 45. _Then many of the Jews_ The English Version is here misleading, owing to inaccuracy and bad punctuation. It should run thus: _Many_ THEREFORE _of the Jews_, EVEN THEY THAT CAME _to Mary and_ BEHELD THAT _which_ HE _did_(see on John 6:14). The Jews who witnessed the... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:47

_a council_ They summon a meeting of the Sanhedrin. Even the adversaries of Jesus are being converted, and something decisive must be done. The crisis unites religious opponents. The chief priests, who were mostly Sadducees, act in concert with the Pharisees; jealous ecclesiastics with religious fan... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:48

_the Romans will come_ They do not inquire whether He is or is not the Messiah; they look solely to the consequences of admitting that He is. "The Sanhedrin, especially the Pharisaic section of it, was a national and patriotic body. It was the inheritor and guardian of the Rabbinical theories as to... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:49

_Caiaphas_ This was a surname; -who was _called_Caiaphas" Matthew 26:3 (where see note on the Sanhedrin). His original name was Joseph. Caiaphas is either the Syriac form of Cephas, a -rock," or, according to another derivation, means -depression." The highpriesthood had long since ceased to descend... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:50

_expedient for us_ For us members of the Sanhedrin. But the better reading gives, _for_you half-hearted Pharisees. _that one man_ Literally, _in order that one man_; S. John's favourite particle pointing to the Divine purpose: comp. John 4:34; John 4:36; John 6:29; John 6:50; John 9:2-3; John 9:39;... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:51

_not of himself_ Like Saul, Caiaphas is a prophet in spite of himself. _being high priest_ None but a Jew would be likely to know of the old Jewish belief that the high-priest by means of the Urim and Thummim was the mouth-piece of the Divine oracle. The Urim and Thummim had been lost, and the high... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:52

_not for that nation only_ S. John purposely uses the word which describes the Jews merely as one of the nations of the earth distinct from the Gentiles. Of course we are not to understand that Caiaphas had any thought of the gracious meaning contained in his infamous advice. _gather together in on... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:53

_Then from that day_ THEREFORE for -then" is the more important here to bring out the meaning that it was in consequence of Caiaphas" suggestion that the Sanhedrin practically if not formally pronounced sentence of death. The question remained how to get the sentence executed.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:54

_therefore_ The decree of the Sanhedrin for His apprehension had been published (John 11:57); the sentence of death was probably a secret among themselves. _openly_ Comp. John 7:10. He withdraws from all intercourse with His adversaries. _went thence unto a country Departed thence into_ THE _count... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:55

_And the Jews" passover_ NOW THE PASSOVER OF THE JEWS. See notes on John 2:13 and John 6:4. _to purify themselves_ (Acts 21:24.) Again we have evidence that the Evangelist is a Jew. No purifications are ordered by the Law as a preparation for the Passover. But to be ceremonially unclean was to be e... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:56

_sought … spake_ Both verbs are in the imperfect of what went on continually. There are two questions in their words; -What think ye? that He certainly will not come to the Feast.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 11:57

_Now both the chief priests_, &c. Omit -both." The word is wanting in authority, and even if it were genuine it would not mean -both" but -moreover." The verse explains why the people doubted His coming to the feast. Note that once more the Sadducaean hierarchy takes the lead. Comp. John 11:47; John... [ Continue Reading ]

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