Judas Excluding the genealogies of Christ we have six persons of this name in the N.T.

Jesus answered The answer is given, as so often in our Lord's replies, not directly, but by repeating and developing the statement which elicited the question. Comp. John 3:5-8; John 4:14; John 6:44-51; John 6:53-58, &c. The condition of receiving the revelation is loving obedience; those who have it not cannot receive it. This shews that the revelation cannot be universal, cannot be shared by those who hate and disobey (John 15:18).

my words Rather, My word; the Gospel in its entirety.

we will come For the use of the plural comp. John 10:30.

abode See on John 14:2. The thought of God dwelling among His people was familiar to every Jew (Exodus 25:8; Exodus 29:45; Zechariah 2:10; &c.). This is a thought far beyond that, God dwelling in the heart of the individual; and later Jewish philosophy had attained to this also. But the united indwelling of the Father and the Son by means of the Spirit is purely Christian.

In these two verses (23, 24) the changes -words" … -sayings" … -word" give a wrong impression: they should run -word" … -words" … -word." In the Greek we have the same substantive, twice n the singular and once in the plural.

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