Now Annas had sent him bound The received text, following important authorities, has no conjunction. The Sinaitic MS. and some minor authorities insert -now" or -but" (δέ). But an overwhelming amount of evidence, including the Vatican MS., gives S. John's favourite particle, therefore (οὖν). Moreover the verb is aorist, not pluperfect. Annas therefore sent Him. It is not necessary to enquire whether the aorist may not virtually be pluperfect in meaning. Even if -now" were genuine and the remark were an after-thought which ought to have preceded John 18:19, the aorist might still be rendered literally, as in Matthew 26:48 (- gavethem," not - had giventhem a sign"). Comp. Matthew 14:3-4.

But -therefore" shews that the remark is not an after-thought. Because the results of the preliminary investigation before Annas were such (there was a primâ faciecase, but nothing conclusive), -Annas thereforesent Him" for formaltrial to Caiaphas, who had apparently been present (see on John 18:19) during the previous interrogation and had taken part in it.

bound He had been bound by the Roman soldiers and Jewish officials when He was arrested (John 18:12). This was to prevent escape or rescue. During the examination he would be set free as possibly innocent. After the examination He was bound again as presumably guilty, or as before to prevent escape.

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