Then delivered he, &c. Better, Then therefore delivered he, &c. In none of the Gospels does it appear that Pilate pronounced sentence on Jesus; he perhaps purposely avoided doing so. But in delivering Him over to the priests he does not allow them to act for themselves: -he delivered Him to them that He might be crucified" by Roman soldiers; not that they might crucify Him themselves.

And they took The best authorities give, They therefore took. The word for -took" should rather be rendered received, as in the only other places in which it occurs in this Gospel, John 1:11; John 14:3. It means to -accept what is offered, receive from the hands of another." A comparison of the three texts is instructive. The eternal Son is given by the Father, comes to his own inheritance, and His own people received Him not (John 1:11). The Incarnate Son is given up by Pilate to His own people, and they received Him to crucify Him (John 19:16). The glorified Son comes again to His own people, to receive them unto Himself (John 14:3).

and led him away These words are of very doubtful authority.

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