Nicodemus Another coincidence. Nicodemus also was a member of the Sanhedrin (iii. 1), and his acquaintance with Joseph is thus explained. And it is S. Mark who tells us that Joseph was one of the Sanhedrin, S. John who brings him in contact with Nicodemus. It would seem as if Joseph's unusual courage had inspired Nicodemus also. We are not told whether or no Nicodemus had -consented to the counsel and deed of them."

at the first Either the first time that he came to Jesus, in contrast to other occasions; or simply at the beginning of Christ's ministry. Comp. John 10:40).

myrrh and aloes Myrrh-resin and pounded aloe-wood, both aromatic substances: -All thy garments are myrrh and aloes" (Psalms 45:8). Comp. Matthew 2:11. Aloes are not mentioned elsewhere in N.T. For -mixture" (migma) the two best MSS. read roll (eligma), and the purpose of this large quantity was probably to cover the Body entirely. Comp. 2 Chronicles 16:14.

about an hundred pound 1200 ounces. There is nothing incredible in the amount. It is a rich man's proof of devotion, and possibly of remorse for a timidity in the past which now seemed irremediable: his courage had come too late.

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