which testifieth Better, which beareth witness. Whether -these things" refers to the whole Gospel, or only to the contents of chap. 21 cannot be determined.

wrote Note the change from present to aorist. The witness still continues at the present time; the writing took place once for all in the past.

we know Because S. John uses the singular, -he knoweth," in John 19:35, it does not follow that he would not use the plural here. It would have been out of place in the middle of his narrative to add the testimony of the Ephesian elders to his own as to details which he saw with his own eyes at the foot of the cross. But it is not unnatural that at the close of his Gospel he should claim them as joint witnesses to the fidelity with which he has committed to writing this last instalment of evangelical and apostolic traditions. Comp. 1 John 5:18-20; 1 John 5:15; 1 John 3:14; 1 John 1:1; 3 John 1:12.

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