The Epilogue or Appendix

This Epilogue to a certain extent balances the Prologue, the main body of the Gospel in two great divisions lying in between them; but with this difference, that the Prologue is part of the original plan of the Gospel, whereas the Epilogue is not. It is evident that when the Evangelist wrote John 20:30, he had no intention of narrating any more -signs" The reason for adding this appendix can be conjectured with something like certainty: the Evangelist wished to give a full and exact account of Christ's words respecting himself, about which there had been serious misunderstanding. In order to make the meaning of Christ's saying as clear as possible, S. John narrates in detail the circumstances which led to its being spoken.

The whole of the chapter is peculiar to S. John's Gospel. It falls into four parts. 1. The Manifestation to the Seven and the Miraculous Draught of Fishes(1 14). 2. The Commission to S. Peter and Prediction as to his Death(15 19). 3. The misunderstood Saying respecting the Evangelist(20 23). 4. Concluding Notes(24, 25).

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