How can ye believe The emphasis is on -ye." How is it possible, for you, who care only for the glory that man bestows, to believe on One who rejects such glory. This is the climax of Christ's accusation. They have reduced themselves to such a condition that they cannotbelieve. They must change their whole view and manner of life before they can do so, comp. John 5:47.

from God only Rather, from the only God, from Him who alone is God; whereas by receiving glory from one another they were making gods of one another; so that it is they who really -make themselves equal with God" (John 5:18). The Greek is not similar to Matthew 17:8 or Luke 5:21, but to John 17:3; 1 Timothy 6:16. Comp. Romans 16:27; 1 Timothy 1:17; Jude 1:25. Note the absence of the article before the first -honour" and its presence before the second: they receive glory, such as it is, from one another, and are indifferent to theglory, which alone deserves the name.

The whole verse should run thus, How can ye believe, seeing that ye receive glory one of another; and the glory which cometh from the only God ye seek not.

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