if ye believe not The emphatic words are -his" and -My." Most readers erroneously emphasize -writings" and -words." The comparison is between Moses and Christ. It was a simple matter of fact that Moses had written and Christ had not: the contrast between writings and words is no part of the argument. Comp. Luke 16:31; -If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead."

my words Or, My sayings. It is not the plural of -word" (λόγος) in John 5:38, but another substantive (ῥήματα) used by S. John only in the plural. Comp. John 6:63; John 6:68; John 8:47; John 12:47; John 15:7; where the separate sayings are meant; whereas in John 6:60; John 8:43; John 8:51; John 12:48; John 15:3 it is rather the teaching as a whole that is meant.

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